eSYS pro is a company which have been dealing with various type of waste in different forms for almost 5 years. Company’s main business is based in both liquid and solid port waste management which is generated form fairy’s, ships and vessels. Companies’ business area is connected not only with ship waste management, but also with security maintenance in all port area – ensuring the patrolling and maintaining the port coordination centre performance. We have made different custom-made IT solutions to ensure the workflow and safety management in the ports.
We are company with high sense of social responsibility therefore one of our business niches are training for swimming and waster security as well as first aid on the water as well as oil and chemical spill collection trainings both theoretical and practical courses. Beside the trainings company also provides 24/7 oil spill response services where our specially trained staff is ablet to locate and collect oil and chemical spills both on and offshore.
By starting the ship waste management, we have met many problems regarding waste sorting and recycling as well as hazardous waste stream separation form non-hazardous waste separation simply by facing the long-known term that 1 kg of waste is waste, but 10 t of waste is a recourse. We have identified that the same problems are present also in the onshore life and that key to that is a mobility.
In work with big waste collection companies in Latvia and Baltic states we have found different problems in the waste collection and recycling industry – we know that only innovative “out of the box” thinking may solve these identified problems. We believe that we can deliver necessary skills, knowledge and way of approach to make it happen.
In this company we have been able to combine elastic project and business management skills with knowledge in non-hazardous and hazardous waste management and expertise in different IT system and marketing strategy approach.
ir noslēdzis 03.12.2024. līgumu Nr. Nr.17.1-1-L-2024/476 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par atbalsta saņemšanu pasākuma “MVU inovatīvās uzņēmējdarbības attīstības programma” ietvaros, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds